Thursday, March 21, 2019

What JESUS Said: About Judging Others – Conclusion

judging unfairly, Matthew 7:1-5, hypocrisy
The 2 Samuel account of King David’s life tells us how readily and harshly David judges someone else’s actions, when the grievous sin Nathan intended to expose was his own. However, David has one thing in his favor that's key to his redemption from moral failure. David loved GOD.

When confronted David understood immediately that his real transgression was against Almighty GOD, “I have sinned against the Lord.” 2 Samuel 12:13. And in Psalm 51 David is totally transparent before GOD regarding his sin with Bathsheba and truly contrite and broken when he asks for mercy and forgiveness.

David is able to go before the throne of grace with confidence because he knows GOD. He may have lost his way for a bit but he remembers that GOD’s character never changes – “(GOD) You are loving...You are always ready to be merciful...” Psalm 51:1b-2

While it may not be possible for us to ask forgiveness of everyone towards whom we behaved in a thoughtless and disrespectful manner, we are always able to do so with GOD, and we must. And with the same humility and sincerity as David does.

In the world’s view, making unfair and prideful judgments of another’s behavior and motives is no big deal. But to GOD it is sin. We would excuse it as not the same level as David’s adultery and murderous cover-up, but all sin is disobedience to GOD’s will and He despises it all.

But for believers, there’s the good news!

Our judgment day has come and gone and GOD has set us free to be his own beloved children, forever. We’re already forgiven in JESUS for every godless act, so this is not a guilt trip we take on ourselves. This is recognizing GOD’s working out our sanctification through the Holy Spirit. He brings to our attention the things we can confess, repent of and turn away from, to move us one step closer to being more like CHRIST.

This is grace!! It’s what David so desired of GOD for himself, “Turn your face from my sins and wipe out all my guilt. Create in me a pure heart, God, and make my spirit right again.” Psalm 51:9-10


JESUS does not forbid judging but commands that we first remove the big piece of wood from our own eye and be sure that our consciences are clear before we judge our brothers and sisters. He says we act as hypocrites when we don’t hold ourselves to the same standards by which we judge others.

JESUS’ teachings should motivate us to live intentionally in our relationships with others and with our Heavenly Father, instead of thoughtlessly imitating the world’s norms (Matthew 22:37-40.)

And why should we obey JESUS?

He (JESUS) gave himself for us so he might pay the price to free us from all evil and to make us pure people who belong only to him—people who are always wanting to do good deeds. Titus 2:14

Choices we make, both big and small, matter to JESUS because they bear consequences that will either hinder or develop us in our walk as believers.

Prayer and Thanksgiving Holy Father, thank YOU for the written WORD that teaches us how to live and also encourages us when we fail so we’re not without hope. Thank you for YOUR grace and mercy that’s always given in abundance to those who ask it of YOU. Thank YOU that our sin no longer separates us from YOU because of the finished work of our Savior and LORD and our soon coming King, CHRIST JESUS. We pray and ask all things in His NAME. Amen.

Always by God’s Word and prayer,

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What JESUS Said: About Judging Others – Part 2

We live in an era where we are encouraged to judge others and not think of it as wrong or feel badly about it. This behavior dominates social media sites where it’s easier to get away with. We feel especially safe doing it with our own social circle – friends, family and close associates who are just like us – they don’t really mean any harm to anyone. After all, we’re nice people and the folks we are judging and laughing at don’t even know it.

Nice people! It’s not a stranger posting videos that show people in embarrassing and negative ways or YouTube links of the latest church scandal. So we think it’s ok to comment and offer opinions on the lives of people and situations about which we know nothing, or are amused by comments others make.

While as believers we are not directly insulting and maligning other users’ Facebook and Instagram posts we still need to do some examination in light of who we are. Do we actually have prejudices and stereotypes that we need to look at and repent of?

Consider also the huge chunks of valuable time spent on a useless, unproductive past-time that we’ll never get back. We cannot feel empathy for people and circumstances if their lives are nothing but pure entertainment for us.

The European proverb “People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.” uses the term ‘glass houses’ as a figure of speech for faults or weaknesses. The proverb’s interpretation can be do not criticize others if you have similar weaknesses yourself or one who is vulnerable to criticism ought not to criticize others.

Which of us is without fault or weakness?

JESUS in Matthew 7:1-5 text is not speaking against believers judging others but against believers’ hypocrisy.

How can you say to your friend, ‘Let me take that little piece of dust out of your eye’? Look at yourself! You still have that big piece of wood in your own eye. You hypocrite! First, take the wood out of your own eye. Then you will see clearly to take the dust out of your friend’s eye. Matthew 7:4-5 (Luke 6:41-42)

Charles H Spurgeon’s Bible commentary of Matthew 7:1-5 says in part – “Some people are of a censorious disposition; they see nothing in others to praise, but everything to blame….at the bottom of all censoriousness lies hypocrisy. An honest man would apply to himself the judgment which he exercises upon others, but it usually happens that those who are so busy spying out other people’s faults have no time to see their own; and what is this, at the bottom, but insincerity and hypocrisy?”
Often the thing we despise in others is the thing we are ourselves most guilty of doing. You judge those who do wrong, but you do wrong yourselves. Romans 2:1-3

And how does GOD respond to such hypocrisy?

A great example to draw from is the Old Testament story of King David recorded in 2 Samuel 11:1-12:15. 

See how David responds to the wrongdoer in the parable that Nathan uses to confront him about his sin of adultery and the cover-up murder? He’s enraged and ready to mete out the harshest punishment possible. “As surely as the Lord lives, the man who did this should die!” David sees “the dust” in that man’s eye but not the “big piece of wood” in his own. And he dares to use the LORD’s name as validation.

GOD said about David, “he’s a man after my own heart” and GOD never stopped loving or using David even after David deliberately broke GOD’s law. 1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22.

GOD is the same with us.

Once we are called child of GOD, no amount of law breaking on our part will erase the Father’s love for us (Romans 8:35-39,) or cause Him to withhold a blessing, or stop His plans for our lives from moving forward to completion.

However, because GOD loves us He does discipline us – all children are disciplined by their fathers. Hebrews 12:4-7. GOD disciplines not to punish but to reshape our character to look more like the new creations in CHRIST that we are – a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, GOD's special possession (1 Peter 2:9.) We should feel encouraged when we receive consequences for wrongdoing. 

Do  consequences always fit the sin? 

Scripture couldn’t be clearer on the consequences for judging others hypocritically while ignoring our own faults. “you will be judged. You will be judged in the same way that you judge others, and the amount you give to others will be given to you.” Matthew 1:1b-2

It’s the golden rule…we always get back what we give out in equal measure – whether good or bad. (Luke 6:37-38.)

The Bible shows us that GOD’s consequences for David matches the severity of the sin. The child he conceived with Bathsheba dies and violence and betrayal plague his family for generations. “there will always be people in your family who will die by a sword.” (2 Samuel 12.)

Humans are incapable of judging the actions of others fairly because our hearts are naturally impure, but GOD who is holy and righteous can and does. “More than anything else, a person’s mind is evil and cannot be healed. Who can understand it? But I, the Lord, look into a person’s heart and test the mind. So I can decide what each one deserves; I can give each one the right payment for what he does.” Jeremiah 17:9-10

To judge is to assume a role reserved for GOD. He alone has the authority to judge others’ actions and the ability to do so with fairness. (James 4: 11-12.) And to judge unfairly is a violation of JESUS’ greatest commandment to us to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Matthew 22:37-39.)

Loving this way should come naturally to those who are the children of GOD. After all, we have the Holy Spirit living in us who produces in us the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

GOD’s WORD says that believers must remain unstained by the world. (James 1:27). A stain on our character is a stain against the name of the one whose image we bear – an open door for non-believers to disrespect our faith. The prophet Nathan says exactly the same to David about his actions – “what you did caused the Lord’s enemies to lose all respect for Him.” 2 Samuel 12:14

If we don’t move towards changing our behavior that stain enters into our souls and our hearts become hardened.

But GOD is merciful.

To be continued….

Prayer and Thanksgiving:  Our Holy and merciful Father, forgive us for choosing to be so involved in the things of the world that we forget who we are. Remind us that we are not of this world but salt and light to bring hope to a world that’s perishing. Help us to choose to be to others what we would want for ourselves – loving and kind in thought, word and deed. Holy Spirit strengthen us to put away careless and thoughtless acts that could hurt others. We pray and ask all things in JESUS NAME. Amen.

Always by God’s Word and prayer,

Saturday, March 2, 2019

What JESUS Said: About Judging Others – Part 1

“The people who love me will obey my teaching.”
So said JESUS to His disciples (John 14:23.)
Judging others, ungodly behavior, hypocrisy

JESUS’ parable teachings and instructions during His three years of ministry on earth remain central to the Christian lifestyle today. His most memorable teachings are from His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). And every WORD still provides wisdom sufficient for a life-time of godly living. 

The scope and significance of these teachings captivated His audience; Matthew’s gospel tells us that the things JESUS said and the authority with which He spoke “astonished” His listeners. His message had a significant impact on the lives of His original audience.

One Merriam-Webster dictionary synonym for something astonishing is eye-opening: something that shows or teaches you something in a surprising way; something startling, surprising, or enlightening – tending to provide knowledge, understanding, or insight.

JESUS’ teachings are meant to enlighten Christians, giving us perfect understanding and insight into how GOD wants His people to live. 

The Words JESUS speak must be incorporated into every decision Christians make daily.
I have no original research to back this up, but several Internet sources say that adults make 35,000 conscious decisions daily. That’s a lot of decisions affecting both our lives and the lives of other people – every day!

Why should our everyday life-style decisions matter that much to JESUS?

The world does what the world does; Believers on the other hand live by a different standard from the rest of the world.

GOD the Father designed a life plan for those who are sons and daughters, a label we receive immediately we accept by faith that His SON, CHRIST JESUS, is the propitiation for our sins and our Savior and LORD. At the same time we’re also united with CHRIST – His Spirit comes to live in us and through Him we now have intimate communion with our Father Galatians 2: 20, Colossians 1:27.  

Our position and relationship with the Godhead – Father, SON and Holy Spirit, is the reason why our choices and decisions matter very much to JESUS! Whatever we do now, in word or deed will impact that relationship, one way or another.

Besides, we have a divine command from the Father to follow JESUS, “This is my Son, whom I love, and I am very pleased with him. Listen to him!” (Matthew 17:5 NCV). And whatever JESUS tells us to do comes directly from the Father. “The things I taught were not from myself. The Father who sent me told me what to say and what to teach.” (John 12:49 NCV)

 A recent re-reading of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s gospel brought to my awareness one choice in particular that both believers and non-believers make almost every day. 

We have become experts at judging others – a behavior against which JESUS strongly warns His followers.  “Don’t judge others.” Matthew 7:1

Judging others has become a favorite past-time. Real-time and unlimited access to all kinds of media, - television, the Internet and social media sites, has made this behavior so acceptable, that it’s become a norm even for Christians. I am as guilty as the next person so I’ve decided to tell the truth and shame the devil.

We must recognize that careless judgement of others’ lives and circumstances is an ungodly and negative behavior for which there are divine consequences: You will be judged in the same way that you judge others, and the amount you give to others will be given to you. Matthew 7:2.

By this command, JESUS isn’t asking us to turn a blind eye to evil and not address or attempt to correct wrongs that we see and experience in the world. He Himself tells us to have discernment and make sound judgments about wrongs, especially with respect to other Christians. (Matthew 18:15-20.)  

What JESUS does not want us to do is encourage and partake in the uncontrolled negative judging of others that is so fashionable today.

“Why do you notice the little piece of dust in your friend’s eye, but you don’t notice the big piece of wood in your own eye?” Matthew 7:3 NCV

To be continued…

Prayer and Thanksgiving:  Holy Father, YOU desire always that we who claim YOUR Name live apart from the world – YOU demand that we come out from among them and be separate and live the godly life that YOU designed for us through YOUR SON and our Redeemer, JESUS CHRIST. Forgive us for giving in to the temptation to make negative and harmful judgments against others and guide us into YOUR perfect will by YOUR WORD, so we do not continue to sin against YOU and be YOUR light in this world of darkness. We pray and ask all things in JESUS NAME. Amen.

Always by God’s Word and prayer,
