Sunday, August 19, 2018

The Voices You Hear

negative thinking, learning to hear the voice of GOD
Nothing impacts the direction of your life more than the voices in your head.

We all are in constant communication with ourselves as we are the people we spend the most time with. Voices we listen to most will influence the course of our lives; what we do, or don’t do and who we are or aren’t.

It is crucial that believers pay close attention to the voice within if we want to live the abundant life that CHRIST JESUS purchased for us and live to glorify the Name of our Father.

Are your voices speaking truth or lies to and about you?

Lies you believe

If you are a Christian living with fear and anxiety, you are listening to the wrong voice. Satan is feeding you lies. He is using your weaknesses, feelings of inadequacy, and, quite possibly, your ignorance of the WORD of GOD to engage you in negative self-talk.

If you constantly allow yourself to be engaged this way, you will believe the lies, never know your true value and never attain the fullness of life your Father in heaven planned for you, even before you were born. (Psalm 139:16)
  • You are not unwanted, fat and ugly, unlovable and a loser. 
  • You are not hopeless at everything. 
  • You are not stupid and doomed to working at low-paying jobs for the rest of your life. 
  • You are not too old to learn a new skill, or earn a degree, or start a business. 
  • You are not unworthy of children. 
  • Everyone isn’t talking about you behind your back.

Whatever your favorite set of negative self-criticisms may be, they are lies from the pit of hell. Your past does not define you if you have accepted CHRIST as your Savior; you are free from it for all time. (Romans 8:1-2)

Chronic negative self-talk is spiritually and emotionally debilitating. It robs you of motivation, buries your talents and skills, and keeps you from fulfilling your God-given purpose in life.

In the end, you live beneath your divine privilege, oblivious to the abundance of joy and peace that’s been divinely packaged in the grace of GOD’s love for you.

The good news is it’s never too late to have what GOD already promised. All it takes to is a new way of thinking. Let your thoughts be GOD’s thoughts about you so you develop a renewed mind and spirit. 

Believe the truth of GOD’s WORD –  it's your Father's voice 

What does the GOD and Creator of the universe who knows all things say about you?:

GOD’s love is what ties all of this together. Since that love never changes what He says about you never does either.

Know GOD intimately and you will know His voice

You recognize the voices of your siblings, spouse, best friend, etc. from afar because you know them. You can immediately defend them from a false accusation for the same reason – you have intimate knowledge of the people you love and are close to and confidence in your knowledge of what they would and wouldn’t do.

Get to know GOD the same way – His voice, His truth and His heart.  

To spend time in GOD’s WORD is to spend time with Him. Then you will begin to understand how much He loves you, thinks about you and continually watches over His plans are for your life.  You will learn directly from GOD that His thoughts about you are precious and always good (Psalm 139:16-17; Jeremiah 29:11)

You will understand that whether you stand or fall, have great success or fail miserably, have strong faith, or occasional doubts – whether you do your best or mess up, GOD continues to love you. There is nothing you can do to make Him love you any more or any less.

GOD doesn’t love you because of who you are, but because of who He is. GOD IS love. Romans 8:38-39; 1 John 4:8-10. God loves you perfectly. He loves you eternally and GOD wants you to hear and believe only Him.


Lies that Satan tries to sell you about yourself will steal your joy. He speaks only criticism, shame and condemnation the impact on you is a life filled with fear, mistrust and anxiety.

The WORD of GOD is your weapon to conquer the habit of negative thinking and the antidote to the venom Satan spews at you (Ephesians 6:14-18.)

Knowing GOD’s WORD is to know His voice, His truth and His heart. You re-learn your thinking and change your perspective.

GOD’s voice brings GOD’s truth and opens the door for you to walk in your inheritance of joy, and peace and confidence forever. An inexpressible gift to you from your Father and GOD who loves you perfectly; Who loves you eternally.

My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish—ever! John 10:27-28

Prayer and Thanksgiving: Holy Father, thank YOU for YOUR love that’s perfect and eternal. Thank YOU for the voice of love that speaks through YOUR WORD and reminds us we are precious in YOUR sight, perfect in CHRIST’s righteousness and forgiven. Thank YOU for the honor of joyful works that glorify YOU before a world that does not know YOUR SON. To YOU belong all honor, dominion and power forever and ever.  We pray and ask all things in Name of JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen!
Always by God’s Word and prayer,


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