Saturday, January 5, 2019

Let’s Talk About Angels – Part 2

Good and fallen angels

What more does the Bible tell us about angels?

We can confirm that angels are more than what we see and hear about at Christmas, even though they have key roles in the Christmas story.

Many places in the Bible tell of angels carrying out very specific and demanding assignments for the GOD.

Because  they are created beings, angels don’t know all that GOD does (Matthew 24:36) but, because GOD created them a little above humans, angels seem to have greater knowledge and ability than we do. This is true for both good and evil angels (demons.)

With their superiority over humans, angels have the ability to impact our lives both for good and for evil.

Can angels be good as well as evil?

GOD created angels with the power to choose and some chose evil over good.

Good angels chose to love and worship GOD; obey Him and praise Him. They rejoice in everything GOD does. They carry out GOD’s commands to serve and encourage His people and care for us in our dying. “…angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation.” Hebrews 1:14

On the other hand, evil angels, or fallen angels, chose to rebel against GOD’s authority. Christian scholars agree that one-third of the angels GOD created make up the fallen angels group. The good news is, a two-thirds majority remain with GOD.

The fallen angels GOD cast out from heaven permanently, and for all eternity. They could never be redeemed and be saved. 2 Peter 2:4

From Creation these evil spirits have been working to discredit GOD in the eyes of His people and GOD’s people before Him. The Bible calls their leader Satan, which means “Resister,” and the devil, which means “Slanderer.”

It was Satan, disguised as a serpent, who enticed Eve to disobey GOD in the Garden of Eden and caused the fall of all mankind. Genesis 3:1-7. This same evil angel tried to tempt JESUS into worshiping him in the wilderness, so he could ruin GOD’s plan for our promised redemption. Matthew 4:8-11.

Are Satan and his evil band of angels still tempting people today?

Obviously, the devil didn’t succeed in his attempts with JESUS. But his life focus daily is still about one-upping the Creator and the people GOD loves are his weapon of choice. He attempts to do damage to GOD’s Kingdom through us.

Satan uses the same methods of deception he tried with JESUS in the wilderness against us today. All designed to lure us over to the side of evil and away from GOD and holiness. Matthew 4:1-11  

What is Satan’s strategy?

  • Attack us where and when we are most vulnerable Matthew 4:1-3
  • Convince us to mistrust GOD’s providence and instead obtain success, power and popularity for ourselves, and rob GOD of the glory He deserves. Matthew 4:5-6
  • Entice us to desire more of the carnal than the spiritual – to covet possessions and status, created idols we worship instead of GOD. Matthew 4:8-9

The Bible tells us that our own fleshly desires cause us to be enticed by the devil James 1:14-15. But GOD has given us a way out and power to resist. “...the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials…” 2 Peter 2:9.

Satan tempted JESUS but He never sinned – we don’t have to either.

How did JESUS resist Satan?

At every turn, JESUS directed Satan’s attention to the only commands He was willing to listen to and obey; GOD’s WORD. Matthew 4: 4, 7, 10.

The WORD still works. It’s as powerful a weapon today as it was then and will cause the devil to leave us alone today just as it did then.

Our heavenly Father never leaves His children defenseless –
He gives us everything we need to fight off Satan’s schemes and deceptions – the full armor of GOD which includes the sword of the Spirit, the WORD of GOD. Ephesians 6:11-17.

GOD also gives us a sound warning to stay on high alert and be aware that the devil is always looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8-9

Stand firmly upon the WORD of GOD and you can resist the devil.


GOD created angels and humanity. While humans have physical bodies with a spiritual side, angels are spiritual beings that can take on physical forms to some degree.

Humans are also created in GOD’s image while angels are not.

Angels are not the passive, airy-fairy, or chubby infant-like creatures often depicted today; they can be intimidating and powerful. The Bible tells us that a single angel killed 185,000 soldiers over-night at the LORD’s command. 2 Kings 19:35

The majority of angels serve GOD and His people but some are “fallen angels” who are evil and will use GOD’s people to oppose GOD’s will, whenever they can.

Important lessons for the people of GOD –
  • Our sole allegiance is to GOD, our Creator.
  • Demons know it and are terrified! James 2:19

Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”  Matthew 4:10

Prayer and Thanksgiving:  Holy Father, thank YOU for JESUS who taught us that we will be tempted by the devil but we do not have to sin against YOU. Thank YOU for the inerrant WORD that is everything we need for life and for godliness. Thank YOU for being the Creator of our joy and  everything for YOUR glory. Like the angels, we stand amazed by YOU! We rejoice in all YOU do! All things in JESUS NAME. Amen.

Always by GOD’s WORD and prayer,


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