Thursday, June 13, 2019


true repentance, GOD's love
GOD often speaks to us most powerfully through the Body of CHRIST.

The following *devotional* on repentance spoke to me so strongly that my immediate reaction was “this is too good not to share.” And since I couldn’t say it any better myself, here it is in its entirety (scripture inclusion and prayer are mine):

Before we consider what repentance is, think about what it isn’t.

Repentance does not pay for sin. It’s not about being plagued with guilt. True repentance does not lead to a deeper mire. It doesn’t refuse to give up what’s been repented of. Repentance is not a legal thing or an emotional thing.

So, what is repentance?

According to the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-24), there are two aspects of repentance: the first is waking up, coming to one’s senses, regaining sanity. It is insanity to live for this world as if it were eternal when it’s not. The parable of the prodigal is a parable about the Father’s riches of love. You can’t live as though GOD’s world or anything in it is yours; it all belongs to him. In fact, the best and only real thing to own is the Father himself.

The second aspect of repentance begins with being truly sorry for your sin and recognizing that your sin is ultimately against God. In this change of heart, you confess the whole truth about your sin and unworthiness. The only way you can do this is if you have a Father who loves you like the father in the parable loved his son.

Repentance cannot be separated from the amazing love of a holy GOD.

*"Saving Grace: Daily Devotions from Jack Miller" by C. John Miller*

Prayer and Thanksgiving: Merciful and loving Father, when we sin it is against you alone and it is your loving kindness that causes us to seek true repentance. We thank you for truth that bring healing to our souls and draw us back into right relationship with YOU. All for YOUR glory through our LORD and Savior, JESUS CHRIST, in whose Name we pray. Amen!

Always by God’s Word and prayer,

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