Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving 2020, America!

If you are reading this post, you're alive and well. 

That's reason enough to give thanks and praise to GOD the Father and the LORD JESUS CHRIST whose goodness and mercy have kept you, whose grace abounds, and whose love is everlasting to all who are His children, according to His Sovereign will and purpose!

We have all that we need and more than we deserve.

A Happy And Safe Thanksgiving!!!

PRAYER: O LORD of grace and mercy, our world is a scary place and we are weak and fearful. But we look to You with thanksgiving and praise for strength to stand and for light to see beyond what we do. Thank You for being the shield that protects and the sword that fights for us. By the blood of the One who paid our debts of transgressions, JESUS CHRIST our LORD, we have all that we need. Thank you! Amen!

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