Saturday, January 7, 2017

God the All - To His NAME Be All the Glory

The opening verses of Psalm 115 leaves no doubt in the readers mind about the author's deep devotion, passion and love for God. His position is fixed and nothing or no one will change it. He is in turn totally satisfied with the passionate devotion and love of his Creator for him. He trusts God’s wisdom completely and disregards the worldly pleasures that unbelievers make their life-long pursuit.

A child of God should have the same testimony as the Psalmist –
  • Our Father is Wise, Almighty and Loving, and Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.
  • Our Father is Sovereign and does what He pleases, always working all things out for our good, those that love Him.
  • We can enjoy a personal and loving relationship with Him.
  • We trust Him completely and are totally satisfied in Him.

He is your helper and your shield; He hears and answers us and will bless us as well as our children. The Heavens belong to Our Father, but He has given His children authority over the earth. Psalm 115: 9-16

However, we can create our own idols, even as it relates to the “good deeds” that we do for the Father. This happens when we go our own way, take control from Him. Then "our thing" becomes more to us than the Creator. 

Our Father is also our Master. When we deny Him complete access to all areas of our lives we grieve His Spirit, lose our peace, and our relationship with Him becomes distant. 

We belong to God and we ought to be living His will for us. To do so we must give Him full access to all that we are.

The prayer below is from a collection I own and I read this today for the first time. The author’s petitions and the spirit of the prayer felt like a special message from God – a caring correction mixed with the overwhelming presence of His love that I want to share.

This is how we can testify to our Father’s goodness and loving kindness to us – He disciplines those whom He loves; with steadfast and loving kindness He draws us to Himself. Each day He provides us with new mercy to ensure we have life in and with Him forever.

Great is His faithfulness!

Prayer and Thanksgiving
O God whose will conquers all,
There is no comfort in anything apart from enjoying you and being engaged in your service;
You are All in all, and all enjoyments are what to me you make them and no more.
I am well pleased with your will, whatever it is, or I should be in all respects;
If you should ask me to decide for myself in any affair, I would choose to refer all back to you;
For you are infinitely wise and do no wrong as I am in danger of doing.
I rejoice to think that all things are at your disposal, and it delights me to leave them there.
Then my prayer turns wholly to praise; and all I can do is adore and bless you!
What shall I give you for all your benefits?
I am caught between two desires; I long to give back to you but I have nothing to offer,
And can only rejoice that you do it all, that none in Heaven or on earth share this honor;
I can of myself do nothing to glorify your blessed name,
But I can through grace cheerfully surrender soul and body to you.
I know that you are the author and finisher of faith;
That the whole work of redemption is yours alone;
That every good work or thought found in me is the effect of your power and grace,
That your sole motive in working in me to will and to do is for your good pleasure.
O God it is amazing that man can talk so much about man’s creaturely power and goodness,
When, if you did not hold us back every moment, we should be devils incarnate.
This, by bitter experience, you have taught me concerning myself. (Author Unknown)

All things in the Name of Jesus Christ, Our LORD and Savior.

Always by God’s Word and prayer,


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